Hey guys! Sorry this has taken so long for me to get it up! The following is a list of books I'm either selling or giving away. Please contact me if you are interested.
e-mail: kcoug003@odu.edu
phone: 335-3033 (please only use this only if you absolutely have to!)
* Biology (ODU's version by Pearson) 0-536-95886-6
* "Discoveries: Fifty Stories of the Quest" 0-19-506850-5 (2nd edition)
* Economics (McConnell and Brue) 978-0-07110143-1 (17th edition - international edition) - it still matches the US edition
* "The Articulate Voice" 0-205-38032-8 (very highlighted but readable)
* American Governement (Lowi, Ginsberg, Shepsle) 0-393-92716-4 (9th edition)
* Essentials of Statistics (triola) 0-321-43425-0 (3rd edition - without the MyMathLab)
* "The Bedford Reader" (9th edition) 0-312-43317-4
* Essentials of Statistics (Triola - 2nd edition) 0-201-77129-2
~Let me know if you are interested and I'll give you a price.