Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A praise report from a Celiac:

Just to give everyone a quick update - actually, a praise report!

Two years ago I was diagnosed with Celiacs disease. During that time I found that I was also having problems digesting milk (which I drank like it was water). My doctor told me that it was not uncommon for celiacs to have a lactose intolerance. To me, that was worse than not being able to have bread anymore!

My doctor said that after about nine months of being on the gluten free diet I should be free from my intolerance to lactose, but I could keep it for the rest of my life. The latter happened. :-(
So, I've been buying my half gallon of Lactaid for the last two years. ( I did have a spout where I was drinking soy, but I gagged too many times for my liking .)

Then... I got married! I got married to the bestest man in the whole wide world, who was shaped and crafted to be perfect for me!!! I love Michael! About a week after we got back I had a glass of milk, just for the heck of it.

There was not reaction!! My face didn't breakout. My stomach wasn't upset. Hurrah! I'm still not drinking a whole lot of milk but I'm excited that I don't have to be afraid of it!

So... Got milk? I do!!


Natasha said...

thats great Katie!

Rebekah said...

Praise God..Kate, I am so escited for you! and..lol, i WILL update my blog soon.. :D

Teresa said...

yay!! thats awesome! i guess marriage DOES solve problems!!!

For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.