Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm still here...

Hey Readers,

It's been a while since I posted, sorry. Here's some updates:

Otto is just as rotten as ever and always encouraging me to grow in patience...
Michael came in last weekend and we had an awesome time!
I've started to do yoga with one of my preggo friends...
Still gaining weight (this is a miracle!)...
Baby Girl is healthy and rolling around, a lot...
I'm cleaning the house for GRACIE!!!! She's coming in on Tuesday...
We bought one of the largest baby purchases - our stroller, I love it...

Life is wonderful!

If you are wondering what you can be praying about for us:

That the rest of Michael's time in Albuquerque would go quickly and smoothly,
the pregnancy would continue to go well,
I would continue to gain weight at a healthy pace,
And that I would continue to see the Lord growing me into a mom that honors Him.

And some pregnancy pics...


Alexandra Grace said...

How cute I love the pics.

Melinda said...

Tell michael he needs to lay off the pickles and ice cream, Baby weight is hard to lose. ha ha ha

For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.