Friday, December 26, 2008

Vegas or Bust

:) We are officially packing up, boxing up, folding up, and putting up all of our stuff to head out tomorrow for Dallas and then on to Vegas.

I don't know if anyone has been reading the news, but the west, oddly enough has been hit with unseasonal winter weather. And it's gonna get worse.

Just our luck.

So, if you think of my hubby and I, please pray for clear, smooth, safe weather, cheerful tudes (attitudes), fun memories, and restful sleep in between.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement and love! We will miss every single one of you and look forward to coming back and visiting! If you have a blog please keep updating it. If you don't and you've been contemplating it, please start one for me to see (send me the link) what's happening in your life.

If I don't post for another couple of weeks please have patience for me! I'm working on it!


One Of Light said...

Katie, I will def. try to keep up on my blog! I noticed you removed me from your list. Probably because I wasn't updating. :) It was such a pleasure working with you (so many hours!). I will miss you. Love and blessings.


Grace Caroline said...

Katie I love you!!! I miss you soooooo much already and none of us(mainly me) can stop crying. Please be safe... and I'll call you in five minutes okay?!...jk :)

For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.