Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One year of marriage

Sorry this post is kind of late. Sunday was our first year anniversary! A year! I can hardly believe it. A year ago Sunday I pledged my heart to the love of my life, the prince of my dreams, the awesome man God set aside for me. I'm one lucky girl.

As I was reflecting on our wedding day so many other things came to mind as well. This past year was B-U-S-Y.

March 15th - Got Married (Yippee!)

Honeymoon in Italy
Moved into Michael's bachelor pad

Went to 3 or 4 weddings that summer

I turned 20
I changed my major from Elementary Ed to Nursing
Michael had 4-5 mini (1-2 weeks) deployments from the end of July to the beginning of Sept
Vacation in Texas with Mom and Dad P
Bought our bedroom furniture (finally)
2nd week of September - Both of our bathrooms flooded. TWICE.
From Sept to Dec we worked on our house:

1. Completely revamped both bathrooms (floors, vanities, sinks, mirrors, paint)
2. Painted the hall, kitchen, bathrooms and foyer (thanks, Mom, Dad, Jimmy, and Gracie)
3. Dug a new irrigation system on the side of the house (thanks, Dad)
4. Our fireplace flooded (4 days before the tenants had their walk-through)
5. Replaced flooring in foyer, bathrooms, and kitchen (awesome job, Michael and Dad)
6. Cleaned our windows (huge feat - Thanks, Mom, Joy and Kimi)
7. Fixed our garage leak
8. Replaced the fitting around the garage door
9. Replaced most electrical outlets/switches
10. Replaced the blinds (Thanks, Dad)
11. And finally, made at least 100 trips to Home Depot and Gino's Pizzeria

Flew to CO to see David and Kara get hitched - absolutely beautiful!
Got a renter! Yeah!
Blew up my first gingerbread house
Said goodbye to family and friends in VA :( Miss everyone!
Drove halfway across the country to Texas
Spent some time with our Texas family and friends
Drove the rest of the way across the country to Las Vegas
Found a house
Moved into our house
Found out I am pregnant (same week)
Had David, Kahlib and Megan in (separate visits) Thanks, guys!
Found a church (that doesn't sing "I Believe I can fly")
Went to San Francisco and stayed with Aunt Lynn and Uncle Joe (Thank you! Awesome time!)
Bought our first hookah (no relation to a bong - well, not really)
Smoked our hookah (Barely - Peanut's fault)
Bought a new computer (I smuggled my way into keeping it - Sorry, Michael)
And saw my husband off to Albuquerque, NM for four months

If I'm missing anything, it's because my brain is fried from this list. Yeah. If I had been told ahead of time that we would do all of this, I would have laughed at you, called you crazy, and then cried from the stress of the list.

I'm hoping this year will be a little quieter. At least till September. Then it's Mommy time. (Meaning I'll be a mommy, not I'll have time for myself. Oh how far from the truth that will be.) I'm looking forward to what the Lord has in store for our growing family. He has certainly brought us through a busy year, and at the end of it I am more in love with my husband, more in awe of how perfectly God has formed Michael for me and I for him - strengths and weaknesses, more aware of the Lord's hand in my life, and less likely to make "plans" - as obviously God completely side-swipes them, thankfully.

1 comment:

Alexandra Grace said...

Congratulations on 1 year Katie.

For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.