Monday, April 19, 2010

Being a Frugal Woman

The Lord's been putting on my heart to be more efficient in my house and to keep myself from the temptation to be lazy. I find that the easiest thing for me to do is sit at the computer, doing research, stalking facebook, and reading blogs. [Yes, I know that's what I'm doing right now... but I'm being useful by sharing my experience (; ]

That being said, I wanted to share what the Lord's been revealing through Proverbs 31

She gets up while it is still dark; she provides for her family and portions for her servant girls. vs 15

I hate waking up early. I'd rather scrub the floor with a toothbrush. But I've found that early in the morning is the best time for me to get things done and I'm much more productive if I have a head start. And when I wake up early I have more time in the day to do the things I really want to do but get pushed back due to lack of planning. Things like devotions, playing with Audrey more, cooking larger dinners, and just being cheerful!

She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable and her lamp does not go out at night.

This applies to my small business of burp clothes and nursing covers. More and more I see how beneficial it is for me to really map out my projects. I came across a snag in my last project when I didn't calculate Michael's homecoming impacting my time. I ended up getting the project done much later than I promised. I have also found that when I plan I feel stronger and more encouraged and confident in my work. It's a win win situation, if I just take some time to plan ahead!

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

The more efficient I am the more this comes true. I know the Lord is taking care of my little family, and that He's giving me the strength to thrive and serve them. I need not worry about tomorrow or next week. He's in control. Just keep on keeping on. :)

She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
I'm still learning how to do this. Michael and I are working on making a budget (yippee!) and I'm working on becoming more organized and thrifty. I find that when things are organized it's easier to "watch over the affairs of my house". As for idleness... I really struggle with this. It's so easy to get sucked into facebook, blogs, or sitting with Audrey on the couch in front of the boob tube. So I'm learning to multi-task: get a load in the washer while I unload the dishwasher for example. It's a process.
Thanks for catching up on my little life! Sorry if I ramble...

1 comment:

Take Me Back to VA said...


Thanks for sharing this. I to struggle with finding time to get it all done. Between school and work, i feel I have earned the time to "relax" and so much doesnt get done. I appreciate you!

For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.