Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The end of my night

Today I am 26 weeks prego... I feel big, but I don't look it, or so I'm told. My husband hasn't seen my growing figure since he has deployed. My fun not-so-little surprise that I get to reveal this spring when he gets home. :)

We're having a BOY! I get asked all the time, "Now that you have one of each (boy and girl) are you guys done? You know, you're family is complete." I really do hate this question. Even though I'm still pregnant with #2 I hope he won't be my last kiddo. But hey, I guess 2 is the "norm". I've never been told I was normal... so why should the size of my family be "normal"?

This little man is ACTIVE. Very active. Like his sister. I'm sitting here in my rocking chair with my feet propped up, my laptop open to my facebook page, blog, and e-mail, and my tailbone out of alignment and causing me pain. Yup. My tailbone. I've never heard of a kid actually kicking out a tailbone. He never stops moving, keeping me up at night with his jumping jacks. I can't wait till Michael can feel and see him move.

I had a revelation the other day after reading a blog I visit often. This gal recently had her second son and her boys are not far apart in age (similar to my two) so I've been enjoying seeing how she's adjusting to being a mommy of two. She made a comment, and I'm paraphrasing, that it's easier to take care of her newborn outside of her body than when she was pregnant with him because she was so tired. I have thought the same thing about my little boy a dozen times, but I felt guilty that I wasn't enjoying being pregnant and that I'd regret ever thinking it. But honestly, I've been so exhausted since day 1 and he's put me in pain often enough that I truly believe life will be a little easier, though louder and busier, after he arrives.

That being said, I'm really trying to make the most of this pregnancy. It is the easiest time you ever have taking care of your child. They eat when they want to without needing help, sleep when they're tired, and they don't cry! BUT, I'm looking forward to having energy, to not cringing when I get a stab of pain, and to no longer needing my tailbone adjusted each week from an active munchkin's kicking.

Looking forward to meeting you, Little Man! In your own time and not too soon. :)

So now, I'll say goodnight. A busy mom of 2 can't get enough sleep.

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For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.