Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where do I start?

Wow. It's been too long since I've blogged. I have a good excuse. Well, I have an excuse, don't know how "good" it is.

Let me start with updates:

Audrey turned ONE in September!!!! My baby! That was a really fast year. Now at 17 months old she's walking/running, talking (her favorite saying, "Der oo go!" - translation: There you go!) and full to the brim with energy. She wears me out! She has 8 teeth (she gets 4 at a time... wonderful.) Audrey is a huge help to me. She puts the silverware in the basket when I do dishes, she pretends to feed me when she plays house, and she hands me things to fold when I'm doing laundry. My "big" girl. I say "big" 'cause she's no bigger than a minute. If she'd gain that last 1/2lb I could turn her car seat around, but no. My munchkin.

Michael is doing well. His paperwork is being processed to transfer into the Air Force (Yay!). We're hoping to hear what the decision is soon. And I'm so proud of him! He pins on LT Commander (or Major if he transfers to the AF) this fall!!! He's worked so hard. That being said he's currently deployed on a 4 month deployment and I look forward to getting him home safely this spring...

Just in time for BABY BOY!!!! Yup! We're expecting our newest addition early May. We are all so excited! I'm really looking forward to meeting him. It's been an interesting pregnancy. One of the signs I was pregnant (before I could confirm it) was tiredness. I blamed it on a busy toddler, not knowing my body was working overtime. And the exhaustion hasn't gone away. I know. I know. After the first trimester you're supposed to get a surge of energy. I'm still waiting for the surge. Audrey doesn't know what's going on, but I think she'll really like him. She loves babies. They'll be ~19 months apart. Should be interesting!

Baby boy is healthy and very very active... like his sister. He does jumping jacks that leave me at the brink of tears from pain. He seems to be very strong too, kicking out my tailbone on more than one occasion. Thankfully I've been seeing a chiropractor so that's helped relieve some of the pain. Yes, we're keeping his name a secret like we did with Audrey. It adds suspense ;)

And me? I'm doing well. Going crazy, but doing well. This deployment has been interesting. Some of the challenges center around disciplining Audrey, keeping the house clean, not killing the dog, and taking care of my body through this pregnancy. I've caught the flu 3 times since I've been pregnant. Wonderful. To help keep me sane I've been sewing (clothes, quilts, and scrappy projects). I love having an outlet.

Traveling has taken the form of a baby shower in CO for my wonderful sister-in-law (who's having a girl!) and an upcoming trip back to beautiful VA this weekend. My parents and sister came into town for Christmas. I loved having them here. They made December fly by! It's been a good winter.

So that's all for now. I'm really going to try to keep this ol' blog updated.

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For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.