Friday, March 6, 2009

Our little peanut

Yesterday I got to hear the baby's fast heartbeat and see our little one on the ultrasound. It was so amazing to get to see this little human bouncing around in me. It definitely brought me back to the reality that we're having a baby.

I know that sounds weird, but hear me out. This pregnancy was a complete surprise for Michael and I. Our "plan" (I say that very loosely) was to wait 3 to 5 years till we started a family. I wanted to get through Nursing school and work for a little while, and Michael wanted to enjoy being "marred" before he embarked on a new season of life.

So when the little stick said pregnant... well... I was shocked. Maybe a little bummed, to be completely and transparently honest. Definitely reevaluating how our life was strategically planned out. So we proceeded to call our families and friends with the news, mostly to be encouraged that this was a wonderful new season we were walking into.

Two months later. I've finally gotten over all-day sickness, still tired, and seeing my body grow in places it never has before. :) I'm excited that I'm pregnant. Haven't really digested that I'm a very soon-to-be Mom.

That is until the ultrasound. BAM! There's that little one on the screen. It looks like a human (no alien or reptile resemblance anymore). It moves. A lot. Jumping up and down. I see it's feet and toes and little arms and head and eyelids. It's a baby! And this little one will be under our care, protection, loving, guiding, mentoring, disciplining, hugging, kissing, and teaching (among many other things that I'm sure I haven't mentioned) in just a few short months.

Wow. That's a lot to digest. I'm going to be a mom. This little ankle-biter is mine.

But what's more amazing, is the grace I see the Lord give me to walk through this. I see him fashioning me into a mom. He's been putting wonderful moms into my life to encourage me. He's given me the support of an excellent husband. He's giving me the strength to raise this child with out the continual presence of my husband, 'cause I will definitely need it. He's getting me excited. He's providing resources to learn what I need to learn. And He's given me two awesome Moms to pray for me, encourage me, be excited with me, give instruction to me, and to give the wisdom that comes with raising 3 kids of their own.

I'm a blessed woman. Lord, thank you. Please continue to encourage me and excite my heart as this child is growing in me. Fashion me into the mom you want me to be. Amen.


Katherine M. said...

I'm happy for you. Our first was unexpected too. I cried when I first found out I was pregnant. Having a baby is the most incredible experience. Your love for that little one will fill you up to overflowing and strengthen the bond with your husband. Enjoy your pregnacy. It's a beautiful season.

Coughlin Family said...

Well said Katie. Just as God crafted you and Michael for each other he also has chosen you and Michael to the parents of THIS BABY. He will give you both the wisdom and strength to glorify Him as you raise this precious gift from God. You have your gaze set in the right direction, on Christ.

I love you and miss you, Mom

Grace Caroline said...

Ankle-Biter haha! Too funny! Love you... i'm so glad God has been giving you friends there to encourage you. I'm longing for the baby to come... they're such a joy to life! ;)
Love, Gracie Girl

Brent and Liz said...

Katie.. we're so excited for you two. Parenthood is just amazing. I never knew I could love someone so much! We will be praying for you!

lynn said...

You and Michael will be great parents and you will look back and know God's hand was in your plan all along!

Ann said...

I'm so excited for you and Michael. Was just thinking of you, so checked your blog.
Ann P.

For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.