Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 7, 52 days left

My first week is done! And I have improved since I started!

Today I ran 1/2 mi with the jogging stroller and power walked the other 1/2 mi. What a workout! When I get home my whole body is tired from pushing that monstrous thing. But I wouldn't be able to run with out it, seeing as Michael's schedule and my exhaustion don't allow for optimum times to run by myself.

By the way, this is my running stroller (above) a Croozer 535. It's a stroller, jogger, and bike trailer. I LOVE IT!!! I found this at a 2nd hand kids shop. They cost $400 and I was able to get this for $180! (The Lord must know I need to get in shape!)

I'm very excited about getting in shape, despite all the pain, sweat and tears. I have never been an "athletic" person. This is a huge change for me and I'm loving it. I haven't seen any physical changes, but it is encouraging to see improvement, nonetheless.

Society has trained me to want instant results. We're an impatient generation. I'm trying to change my perspective through working out and it's spilling over into my everyday life, the way I view my children, and the expectations I have for me, my husband, and my kids. I need to enjoy the moment. Carpe Diem! Or else life's going to pass me by and I'll be stuck wondering where the time went. Why didn't I enjoy my daughter exploring her world? Why didn't I sit and cuddle my son when he cried? These are short seasons, so I need to enjoy them while they last.

Wow. Didn't mean to get all philosophical on your ass. Eh. Nobody reads this anyways. :)

Oh! We're leaving for TX on Saturday so I may not be able to update ye old blog for 2 weeks or so. I will, however, still be running. And we booked our hotel room for the race!

This is really happening! I'm really running a race! I'm frickin' insane!

Oh well. See ya!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

Yup it's the big 2-3. Ok, 23 isn't that big a deal. And birthdays seem so much less important to me now that I have kids.

Don't get me wrong, I love to be spoiled, eat cake, and open gifts.

It's just that birthdays have lost their splendor.

This could be because my birthday doesn't always bring good omens.

I've had 2 wonderful men pass away on my birthday, I buried my grandmother on my birthday, had a friend get in a car accident (she was, thankfully, unharmed). To say the least, I do not always look forward to my birthday.

But this year I have 2 wonderful children who love me and depend on me and an incredible husband who loves me and took the kids so I could "sleep in" a little. I have an amazing family and great friends.

To say the least, I am blessed.

So happy birthday to me!


According to America's Running Routes the block I've been running the last few days is 1 mile.

Read it: 1 mile!

My hubby has, for the last week, been telling me it was only 1/4mi. I was very depressed about this (it seemed much longer) and dissapointed in myself that I could only run 1/2 of it (so 1/8mi). In fact I ran 1/2 mile!!! Much better than I thought!

Yay me! I'm in a little better shape than I thought I was.

Just a little.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Route tracker

So here's a helpful running site:

America's Running Routes

I was able to map out 3 different 5k routes. Very helpful!

Day 4 and 5

Yesterday, Monday, was day 4 and it wasn't the best workout day. After dealing with 2 cranky kids I needed to rest and recuperate during their nap... and then I tried to workout that afternoon but Audrey made it next to impossible! She wanted to be held, wanted to exercise with me (which was cute, but in the way) and then would throw a fit if I didn't do what she wanted.

TODDLERS. Gotta love them. Despite her fits I was able to get a ton of housework done! (Which helps today's situation.)

Now today is a run day but I got almost no sleep last night. Jared is going through a growth spurt (I hope) so he fed 4 times last night, rather than his normal 2. And my head was full of busy thoughts - cleaning, quilting, sewing, traveling, etc. - so it was very hard to get much sleep.

To say the least, I'm exhausted and crabby today. So Jared got a bottle (so I could have a break) and Audrey's having a Disney channel day (... a zombie day).

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Still hoping to get a run in, but I might have to wait till tonight.

Exercise, like life, isn't always convenient. That's ok. Keep marching on.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day of rest? Not completely...

Day 3 on my trek towards being fit and running the Warrior Dash has been pretty lazy. We played with Audrey outside in the baby pool, took a nap while the kiddos napped, and skyped my parents.

But as the night got cooler I started itching to go for a run. Ok. So not "itching". More like dreading, like when you have to get the flu shot and you know it'll hurt but it'll help you so much more than the pain.

So we packed up the kids in the double stroller and put the dog on the leash and headed out! Michael to the double wide and I took the... ehm... dog (I really can't stand that mutt and he proved yet again why). Otto tripped me up and I ended up dragging him for quite a bit of the run. Jerk.

How did I do? Better!

Turns out running with the stroller really is that much harder! By myself I ran 50% of the 1/4 mile, much more than last time! Yay me!

I know, don't roll your eyes. I should be able to run further for my age, but I can't right now. I'm working on it.

And now I'm going to lay down. I'm tired. And hungry. And sweaty. It's a good sweat, an earned sweat. ;-)

*Oh, and I did not workout yesterday like I said I would. It just didn't happen. Oh well. I'm doing my cross training tomorrow instead.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 2

Sitting here eating a peanut butter and honey sandwich and drinking a coke. Jared's grunting and scooting on the blanket on the floor and Audrey's napping and Michael's out for a bike ride with 2 of his friends. Life is good.

Our whole house is working on becoming a healthier house. At least we're trying!

After yesterday's "run" I felt pretty depressed about how well (rather, how terribly) I did. Until my hubby reminded me that I was pushing a double stroller! Duh! So not only am I out of shape but I'm pushing a double wide that's giving me MUCH more wind resistance and a harder workout in general.

I've decided that rather than waiting till Michael gets home to watch the kids so I can train by myself I will continue to train with the kids 2 out of 3 runs and then run the 3rd by myself.

The theory is that I'll get so used to a harder workout that when I run by myself it'll be a breeze!

We'll see how well that goes.

Today is my "easy train or cross train" day. Gonna try a workout video I got at Target almost a year ago. Fingers crossed!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Warrior Dash!

August 21, 2011 I will be running the race of the century! The WARRIOR DASH!

Ok, not really the race of the century, but my first race.

It's 5k (~3.15mi) and there are roughly 10 obstacle courses mixed in it!
At the end you run through mud (AWESOME!) and jump over fire (double AWESOME!)

Basically, it's my kind of race.

And I'm really excited to get back in shape, hopefully in better shape!

Thankfully I won't be running this race alone. My sister-in-law, Kara, is my inspiration and running partner! I'll be 3 months post-partum and she'll be 5 months.

So today marks Day 1 of my training.

How did I do? I SUCKED! But I've got to start somewhere!

I'm hoping to find some encouragement as I document my progress. It'll probably be a tough road, but I need this. This is definitely a humbling experience, seeing how out of shape I'm in. I need to get my flabby a$$ in shape. It's about time!


Day 1
20 minutes fast walking
90 degrees
8:20am - 8:40am
Ate peanut butter toast beforehand (perfect!)

Notes: Wake up earlier to take advantage of cooler weather. Set up blue tooth so I can talk and run (helps me monitor my breathing).
For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.