Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day of rest? Not completely...

Day 3 on my trek towards being fit and running the Warrior Dash has been pretty lazy. We played with Audrey outside in the baby pool, took a nap while the kiddos napped, and skyped my parents.

But as the night got cooler I started itching to go for a run. Ok. So not "itching". More like dreading, like when you have to get the flu shot and you know it'll hurt but it'll help you so much more than the pain.

So we packed up the kids in the double stroller and put the dog on the leash and headed out! Michael to the double wide and I took the... ehm... dog (I really can't stand that mutt and he proved yet again why). Otto tripped me up and I ended up dragging him for quite a bit of the run. Jerk.

How did I do? Better!

Turns out running with the stroller really is that much harder! By myself I ran 50% of the 1/4 mile, much more than last time! Yay me!

I know, don't roll your eyes. I should be able to run further for my age, but I can't right now. I'm working on it.

And now I'm going to lay down. I'm tired. And hungry. And sweaty. It's a good sweat, an earned sweat. ;-)

*Oh, and I did not workout yesterday like I said I would. It just didn't happen. Oh well. I'm doing my cross training tomorrow instead.

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For I am in a time of life when things change around me. Everything I own or think I have control over I must lay before my Father's feet: my education, my body, my place of residence, my husband, my children.